Two Step Mechanism of Lasik

LASIK is a 2-step process, involving:

1. the creation of a thin flap in the outer cornea
2. lifting of the flap, and reshaping the deeper cornea underneath to correct the power with an excimer laser.

The creation of the corneal flap in the first step can be made with either a special femtosecond laser (Intralase) or a metal oscillating blade (microkeratome). While we have had great experience with the metal blade for many years, the newer Intralase method of flap creation is gaining popularity in recent years. The reason for this is increased safety, and possibly better visual results with all-laser LASIK, where both first and second steps are done with 2 different types of laser. This increased safety comes at a cost, as all-laser LASIK is more expensive than LASIK with a metal blade. The US Navy has endorse all-laser LASIK as the only method of LASIK acceptable for its pilots and aviators, while the space agency NASA has given its endorsement to all-laser LASIK, approving it as the only form of LASIK acceptable for its astronauts.

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